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Event Details

The relationship between Russia and China has been described as a de facto informal alliance. Many analysts view it as based on a deep strategic synergy in the two nations' confrontation with the US, increasingly coordinated attempts to undermine the existing security architectures in Europe and the Indo-Pacific, and certain ideological proximity between two authoritarian regimes. Although not devoid of internal tensions and limitations, the Beijing-Moscow axis withstood the major stress-test coming from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

China is providing Russia with sufficient strategic depth and industrial capacity to continue war in Europe. This reality is rapidly changing the EU's relationship with China and stimulating strategic interactions between Europe and the Indo-Pacific. In his speech, Jakub Jakóbowski will explore the fundamentals of the China-Russia relationship, its current dynamics, as well as the challenges it poses for the European and Indo-Pacific security: propaganda and disinformation efforts, cooperation in international bodies, economic coercion, as well as possible dual escalation scenarios.


June 26, 2024



Networking with refreshments







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Stephen House, 32 Thesiger Court, Deakin, 2600 ACT


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